Wright Tool micro-adjustable torque wrenches are your “click-type” models offering rugged, easy-to-operate durability. They’re crafted from alloy tool steel for long life accuracy and feature exposed scales. The wrenches are available in a wide variety of socket drive sizes and torque ranges. Choose the model that best suits your application needs. Wright torque wrenches—setting the standard for tightening nuts and bolts that clamp your parts together.
Features also include:
* Accuracy: ± 4 percent clockwise, ± 6 percent counterclockwise at 20 percent of the scale
* Accuracy meets or exceeds all applicable government specifications
* Positive lock with spring-loaded pull down lock ring
* Super rugged knurled metal for industrial use
* Pull lock ring down and turn handle to adjust reading
* Positive locking device cannot be jarred into unlock position
* All wrenches meet or exceed ANSI B 107.14M or GGG-S-686, whichever applies
* Ratchet head models are 24-tooth industrial-grade
* Some models feature a push-button socket “quick-release” mechanism (except 6448, 8447, and 8448)
* All wrenches feature English scales primary and Newton meter secondary
* Micrometer “clicker” torque wrenches feature a distinct breaking action when the set torque is reached; the breaking action and clicking noise is greatest at the upper part of the scale
* All wrenches include a “Certificate of Calibration”